The intellectual property law practice at the Firm has been hailed as having in-depth knowledge of copyright and media law. The Firm’s practice encompasses all facets of intellectual property rights, i.e., patents, trademarks, copyright, designs, trade secrets, etc. the service offering includes litigation, prosecution, advisory, enforcement and management of intellectual property rights.
Advised leading telecom companies in relation to India’s first ever case on Standard Essential Patents
Represented a leading pharmaceutical company in a patent infringementmatter pertaining to blister packing material before the Delhi High Court and Supreme Court of India.
Represented leading private FM radio operators in the first ever case of fixation of the compulsory copyright license fee by the Copyright Tribunal, before the Copyright Board, High Courts of Delhi, Bombay, and Madras as well as the Supreme Court of India.
Advised Television broadcasters and FM radio operators as well as leading sports franchisees in relation to the first case with regard to the allegation of infringement of Performers’ Rights.
Represented a creator in a landmark case of Moral Rights in relation to his film.
Represented radio and television broadcasters in a landmark case up to the Supreme Court of India, relating to liability to pay a license fee for underlying musical works and lyrics.
Represented and advised leading Television broadcasters in relation to allegations of copyright infringement in the U.K.
Represented a leading sports property owner in the first ever case of John Doe orders being passed by the Delhi High Court.
Represented various production houses, motion picture studios, and sports rights owners in various cases of John Doe orders to prevent infringement of their rights.
Represented leading broadcasters in their efforts to seek protection over live score updates and radio commentary on the internet.